Friday, August 21, 2009

Back at it!

I'm trying to get back in the saddle after a week of vacation. I really don't have anything to report or share this week.

We had a blast up in Michigan. I really enjoyed taking Claire swimming in Lake Michigan. It was a great time.

We went to Mars Hill (Rob Bell's church) on Sunday. That was a quite an experience. I'll have to share more later.

I'm going to be preaching again this Sunday. I'm actually preaching twice, once out at our State Park for a service and then in our regular AM worship service. I'm still studying the book of Jonah and will be preaching from chapters 1 and 3 on hearing God. Some really good stuff in the book of Jonah when you really dive into it.


Jay said...

Hey Tim!

Glad you made it back and had a good time! I look forward to hearing about your visit to Mars Hill. Did Rob preach?

Tim Sheets said...

Yes he did. The service was actually just him preaching/teaching. They didn't have any music or anything like that.

Jay said...

Sounds interesting. Can't wait to hear your take on what it was like there. I'm sure being there is a little different than listening to a sermon on a CD!