Thursday, February 04, 2010

A couple of questions

After a week of sickness I'm back. That was not fun. Keeping things short and sweet today. Just a couple of questions to throw at you.

- What kind of Bible do you use?

- Why?


Eric said...

I use a NIV life application Bible most of the time. I usually read through and think about things first, then read the commentary at the bottom of the page.

Sometimes I use my key word study Bible and look up original word meanings in the reference at the back of the Bible.

Tim Sheets said...

Do you like the notes and find them to be helpful in the Life Application Bible with applying scripture? I've just recently been comparing them to the NIV Study Bible.

I just bought a Life Application study Bible for a new Christian. It seemed to be the most practical study Bible to give a new Christian. It seems to strike a good balance between content and ideas on how to apply the content.

Warp Speed Trading said...

I really like the NIV or the Message. I like these bible because they are simple and easy to understand. Since I am a teenager I use language that a lot of other people probably don't use and these bibles are closer to how I speak.

Tim Sheets said...

If you like clear and easy to understand you should check the NLT (New Living Translation). It is an awesome translation. Becoming one of my favorites!