Thursday, February 18, 2010

Bible Reading Habits

These go with some questions I asked a couple of weeks ago.

1. How do you go about reading your Bible? Do you read whole books? Small chunks? One verse? What do you do when you read?

2. Do you read in the morning? Afternoon? Evening?

3. Do you read every day? Every other day? A couple times a week? How often are you reading your Bible?

Any thoughts?


Warp Speed Trading said...

1. How do you go about reading your Bible? Do you read whole books? Small chunks? One verse? What do you do when you read?

A: I like to read till I dont feel like reading anymore. Usually I will read around 5 chapters each time I read. I am reading straight through the bible right now. Genesis to Revelation.

2. Do you read in the morning? Afternoon? Evening?

A: I read in the evening during the school year but during the summer I will probably read in the morning right when I wake up.

3. Do you read every day? Every other day? A couple times a week? How often are you reading your Bible?

A: I try to read it every day.

Tim Sheets said...

Looks like you are forming some good reading habits. I pray that you keep it up.

I sometimes find it easy to read in the morning as long as the kids are not up yet. If I can wake up before them I like to read early. When they wake up, no more reading. Evening is probably best time for me right now(after kids are in bed).

I read in different ways. Sometimes large chunks (maybe a whole book in one sitting), sometimes a psalm or two, or just maybe one verse. I try to mix it up and keep things interesting.

Thanks for the thoughts.

T <><

Vacation Infornation said...

I like reading my Holy Koran every day as you ask.