- Is He saying we should never pray in public?
- What about praying publicly when the church is gathered?
- Does this mean Christians should stop praying for their meals while out to eat?
- Is Jesus saying God only hears our prayers when we pray in secret?
What do you think?
Should we not kneel in public, raise our hands and then pray loudly?
Didn't the pharisees and saducees set that example for us? Remember
they were the church leaders; and Jesus recognized how they prayed in the bible.
Sounds like it on the surface, but Jesus prayed in the presence of the disciples in John 17, gave thanks for food for the 5 thousand in Mark 6:41, prayed for Lazarus in front of ohers in John 11:41. So this reads more like a warning to not turn a prayer into a performance "to be seen by men". Maybe Jesus is leading us into private prayer so we will not be tempted to go beyond a one on one relationship with the Father
I was about to comment today, but after Nelsman has commented, all I can do is echo his comments.
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