This thirty-four day journey has been interesting. I didn’t think a book like Deuteronomy would speak to me as much, as say, the Gospel of John or James. I was wrong. You would be surprised at how relevant and interesting this book is.
Chapter 9 observations
- We are about ready to leave the desert and cross the Jordan River (v.1).
- The people on the other side are going to create some problems for the Israelites. However, if they will obey God and listen to Him, He will aid them in defeating their enemies.
- I always wondered why this land as the Promised Land? What was it about this land?
- A subtle reminder is given in verse 4 that God is not driving out these other nations because the Israelites are better than them (more righteous), it is because the other nations are so “wicked”. In other words, God doesn’t the Israelites to start thinking they are better because they are Israelites. The people favored by God. God actually refers to the Israelites as “stiff-necked people” throughout this chapter. Very similar to what Stephen said in Acts 7.
- I was unaware Moses did two 40 day fast without bread or water (v.9, v.18).
This thirty-four day journey has been interesting. I didn’t think a book like Deuteronomy would speak to me as much, as say, the Gospel of John or James. I was wrong. You would be surprised at how relevant and interesting this book is.
Chapter 9 observations
- We are about ready to leave the desert and cross the Jordan River (v.1).
- The people on the other side are going to create some problems for the Israelites. However, if they will obey God and listen to Him, He will aid them in defeating their enemies.
- I always wondered why this land as the Promised Land? What was it about this land?
- A subtle reminder is given in verse 4 that God is not driving out these other nations because the Israelites are better than them (more righteous), it is because the other nations are so “wicked”. In other words, God doesn’t the Israelites to start thinking they are better because they are Israelites. The people favored by God. God actually refers to the Israelites as “stiff-necked people” throughout this chapter. Very similar to what Stephen said in Acts 7.
- I was unaware Moses did two 40 day fast without bread or water (v.9, v.18).
- Moses’ prayer for the stubborn Israelites can be found in verses 26-29. This is a prayer well worth studying. How does God respond to Moses’ prayer? That is in chapter 10.
- This is a good chapter for those interested in intercessory prayer. Moses talks about how he interceded on Aaron’s behalf and the Israelites behalf (vv.19-20).
Again we are recapping Israel’s history as we slowly move towards the Promise Land. There has been so much looking back and remembering in these first nine chapters. This somewhat flies in the face of what we teach and preach. We say look forward and forget the past. God says look forward while remembering the past. Apparently God and Moses, working together of course, feel the need to remind Israel of its history and where she has come from through the writing of Deuteronomy. This journey to the Promise Land has shaped and molded her. She has had the opportunity to draw near to God and see that He is all that He says He is.
- This is a good chapter for those interested in intercessory prayer. Moses talks about how he interceded on Aaron’s behalf and the Israelites behalf (vv.19-20).
Again we are recapping Israel’s history as we slowly move towards the Promise Land. There has been so much looking back and remembering in these first nine chapters. This somewhat flies in the face of what we teach and preach. We say look forward and forget the past. God says look forward while remembering the past. Apparently God and Moses, working together of course, feel the need to remind Israel of its history and where she has come from through the writing of Deuteronomy. This journey to the Promise Land has shaped and molded her. She has had the opportunity to draw near to God and see that He is all that He says He is.
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