Read James 1:17 here or in your own Bible. 
1. What does this verse teach about God?
2. How do we know what “good gifts” are?
3. How would you define a “good gift”?
4. What are some things we don’t normally think about as being gifts from God?
5. How does this help us in our battle against evil? Does it?

1. What does this verse teach about God?
2. How do we know what “good gifts” are?
3. How would you define a “good gift”?
4. What are some things we don’t normally think about as being gifts from God?
5. How does this help us in our battle against evil? Does it?
17Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
1 This teaches us that our God is a loving God. 2. A good gift is a gift that we ask for or not,that draws us closer to God. A good gift allows us to serve him. 3 A good gift is that which is recieved from the Holy Sprit. 4. Offten we don't think of the different talents,and abilities that we each have as being form God. The altiment Joy that we recieve from these gifts, lies for us in Heaven Dick Bouchez
17Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
1 This teaches us that our God is a loving God. 2. A good gift is a gift that we ask for or not,that draws us closer to God. A good gift allows us to serve him. 3 A good gift is that which is recieved from the Holy Sprit. 4. Offten we don't think of the different talents,and abilities that we each have as being form God. The altiment Joy that we recieve from these gifts, lies for us in Heaven Dick Bouchez
Seek first the kingdom.
EVERYTHING we are subjected to are gifts from God. Even when the evil one throws bad things at use, God can and does allow good things to come from it. Praise His Holiness, His Omnipotence, His Mercy, His Grace, and His Boundless LOVE.
Something happened today at the jail that should be considered a bad gift, but God was able to take a bad situation and make good come out of it. I give Him praise and glory for that!
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