God shepherded the Patriarchs of Genesis (Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph) to new lands and through hard times. Although Moses shepherded the Israelites from Egypt, into the wilderness, and then to the Promise Land, God was shepherding Israel throughout the entire process (Exodus 13:18). He was with them in the cloud by day and pillar of fire by night (Exodus 13:21). He was with them when they rebelled, and He dwelt in their tabernacle tent on the Ark of the Covenant (Exodus 25). Even when Israel rebelled against God and ended up in captivity, He was still shepherding them through the voice of the Prophets. Throughout the entire Old Testament we see God’s presence, though sometimes subtle, and hear of God watching over Israel like a shepherd watching over sheep.
How has God shepherded you?
lol nice title did u read my blogs yet? and i made 2 new ones today in class so yeah but i have one more but its just a summary of lamentations chapter 1
Hey Tim. I liked your post on Shepherding. I feel like God has been doing this a lot lately for me. It's not always easy to be a sheep, but I'm learning!
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