Paul’s Life
Trained by Pharisees and in his mind smart
A man of great knowledge, but lacking true heart
An advocate for learning, praised for his stature
He demanded Christ’s followers all be captured
Proud to protect that which was dear
He boldly persecuted out of a self-righteous fear
One day as he traveled to Damascus
A Light shown forth and he met his real Master
Broken, blind, and discipled by Ananias
Paul was now a disciple of the humble Messiah
Transformed from within and determined to preach
Paul set out to tells others of the life within reach
Befriended by Barnabas and an encouragement to the Church
Paul’s message of Christ crucified must be heard
He ministered in Antioch and taught others about Christ
Confess and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead and you will have life
After preaching and teaching God moved Paul on
He was now God’s ambassador to a world living in wrong
He walked, rode, and sailed thousands of miles
Always keeping in mind he must preach Christ to the Gentiles
He never forsook his Jewish roots
He loved his people, even when they falsely accused
Now on trial Paul appeals to Caesar
No worry, Jesus has promised him a new place to minister
Headed for Rome and shackled in chains
A northeaster wind showed that Paul’s faith would remain
Taking charge and holding onto God’s Word
Amidst and sinking ship Paul made sure God was heard
Settled in Rome and preaching without restraint
He will always be remember as one of the great saints
The End
That's a good poem Tim. Keep em coming.
Thanks for your comments. Sometimes I dabble in things I shouldn't, like poetry! It was fun to do! Thanks for reading and commenting! I appreciate the input!
T <><
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