Monday, September 05, 2011

Thursday Thinking will be back on schedule this Thursday.  It’s been difficult to keep up with all the changes that have recently taken place.  Until then, here’s a brief update on my life.    

It has been a while friends! There has been a lot of newness in my life these past couple of weeks. New city. New home. New friends. New responsibilities. A lot to take in. As most of you already know, I've accepted a call to lead pastor at the Elkhart Northside Church of the Nazarene. These are wonderful people and they have been so good to us in this transition.  I’m looking forward to this journey together.    

This past Sunday was my first official Sunday as lead pastor. It felt different, but also like I was right where God wanted me to be.  My first message was on Jesus changing water into wine from John 2. Do you remember that story?  Great message to preach in a denomination that takes an abstinence approach to alcohol, huh?  My thoughts were on the deeper truth John is communicating here about Jesus’ identity.  The connections John makes to the Old Testament prophecies about the coming day of God’s salvation are amazing!  That day is described as a wedding feast with an abundant amount of wine (see Isaiah 25 and Joel 3).  It just struck me as interesting and it reveals Jesus’ identity.  It answers the question, “Who is this guy?”  The day of salvation is here.  The Messiah is among us. 

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