Thursday, May 01, 2008

iBread 1.4

“God’s Word is food for the mind.” - Cyril of Alexandria

The Meal
Take a moment and feast upon 1 Corinthians 10:13, 23, 31-32. Read these passages very slowly and at least three times.

Table Talk
- What is the point of each of the passages?
- How do they relate to peer pressure?
- How does God help us in times of temptation or peer pressure?
- How could these verses help you when you are being pressured to do something you don’t want to do?
- Which verse will you commit to memory?


Tim Sheets said...

My dad sent me an interesting comment for 1 Cor 10:13. Thought I would share it with you because is is good.


A lot of people misquote 1 Corinthians 10:13 and use that for anything hard that comes their way, such as trials, persecution, trouble, and heartache, when it specifically says it applies to temptation.

My thoughts are that regarding temptation God will make a way out, but regarding the other areas He simply promises more grace. What are your thoughts on that? Just curious!

Love ya


*Some good food for thought! Thanks Dad!

T <><

SlimDuck said...

Whats happenin' man. Alex and I are starting a new Blog solely based on the bible.

Each day will have 3 posts:
1) people in the Bible
2) places in the Bible
3) A highlight of Jesus' life

eventually we will puting it all together for a website.

Come check it out: