Thursday, November 29, 2007

Making Disciples (Part 12)

Another practical way the church can work together to make disciples is through the spiritual gifts. Why does God gift us? What is the purpose for the gifts? Paul’s teaching about spiritual gifts is within the context of the church. Paul implies the gifts were given to God’s people by the Spirit for the building up of the church (Ephesians 4:12). In other words, God’s people are equipped so they can in turn equip others. Through the diversity of people and their gifts God can fully disciple His people.

Spiritual gifts tests can make people aware of how God has gifted them. If used properly they can become a means to making disciples. Just beware they do not become an excuse for laziness (e.g., “I’m not gifted in the area of evangelism so I don’t have to do it.”). Spiritual gifts tests could be given as an entire church event. This would allow the body of Christ to recognize in each other the uniqueness and diversity of God’s gifts. It also teaches that spiritual gifts are best discovered within the community of saints. Following the test, it would be wise to find ways together to use each other’s gift. This is how they are most effective. How can people with different gifts work together? How can they compliment one another? You will find answers to these questions as God’s people synthesize their diversity through coming together to form the body of Christ.

Your thoughts?


eric said...

Good stuff, Tim. I totally agree that we as the body of Christ support one another. I also agree that we can't make excuses for some of the more 'core' gifts that we may not be strong in like evangelism, discernment, etc. Through time spent in prayer, the Word, and in fellowship with believers who excel in our trouble areas, God is able to increase our ability to grow ourselves closer to Him and disciple others.

Tim Sheets said...

Hey Eric!

If we are working together as a body we have no excuse or reason for not spreading the Gospel. As long as we are together we are fully equipped. Maybe we fail so much because we don't work together.

Someone wise than I once said that the areas we aren't gifted in are the areas God is most at work at in us. What do you think?

T <><